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Dental implants are a popular and long-term way to replace missing teeth and are designed to blend in with your other teeth. In fact, the development and use of implants is one of the biggest advances in dentistry in the past 40 years. Dental implants are made up of titanium and other materials that are compatible with the human body. They are surgically placed posts in the upper or lower jaw, where they function as a sturdy anchor for replacement teeth.

Most patients find that dental implants are secure, stable, and good replacements for their own teeth. Dental implants can provide the following benefits:

  • Improved Speech - Loose dentures and missing teeth can inhibit the ability to speak clearly. With dental implants, you can feel secure knowing that you can speak easily.
  • Comfort - Dental implants feel like your natural teeth, and blend seamlessly with your smile for improved comfort. They will not press down on your gums, causing discomfort. Since dental implants are based in the jawbone, patients know that the implants are secure, and can smile, eat, and laugh with confidence.
  • Improved Eating - Dentures and other oral appliances can make it difficult for a patient to eat. Dental implants allow you to experience hot and cold foods, bite with an increased force (up to 70% more), as well as enjoy the taste of your food. Dental implants also eliminate the hassle that can accompany eating with dentures or missing teeth.
  • Increased Self-Confidence - Dental implants can also help raise an individual’s self-esteem. With a smile that is functional and looks natural, a patient can feel confident whenever they smile.
  • Improved Aesthetics - Dental implants look natural and compliment an individual’s existing smile. They can also restore facial features and prevent bone deterioration.
  • Durability - Dental implants do not fail if surrounding teeth get cavities and implants cannot get cavities themselves. They are meant to last a very long time, and with proper care, you can have a durable and beautiful smile for years to come.
  • Hygiene - Dental implants can be flossed normally, unlike bridges.

There are generally three phases to getting an implant:

  • First, Dr. Halls surgically places the implant into the jawbone. A diet of soft foods, cold foods and warm soup during the healing process is recommended.
  • Next, the bone around the implant heals in a process called osseointegration. Osseointegration means “combines with the bone”. Over the period of a few months, the bone actually grows around the implant causing it to be securely held in place. Some patients might need to wait until the implant is completely integrated, up to several months, before replacement teeth can be attached to the implant. Other patients can have the implants and replacement teeth placed all in one visit.
  • Finally, it’s time for the placement of the artificial teeth. For a single tooth implant, Dr. Halls will customize a new tooth for you, called a crown. The crown will be based on size, shape, color and fit, and will be designed to match your other teeth. If you are replacing more than a single tooth, custom-made bridges or dentures will be made to fit your mouth and your implants.

If you are interested in dental implants, it's a good idea to discuss it carefully with your dentist first. If you are in good general health this treatment may be an option for you. In fact, your health is more of a factor than your age. You may be medically evaluated by a physician before any implant surgery is scheduled.

Single Implant

When a single tooth is missing, the two most common treatment options are:

  • A traditional tooth-supported bridge (3-unit bridge)
  • An implant-supported crown

When a tooth-supported bridge is used to replace one missing tooth, the adjacent teeth (which may be perfectly healthy) trimmed down to give the bridge a support system. This process removes natural enamel and tooth structure, but must be done in order to fit the new cemented bridge in place. A 3-unit tooth-supported bridge can be functional for many years, but the compromised teeth (those healthy teeth cut down to support the bridge) may develop decay, periodontal bone loss or need root-canal treatment. By placing a dental implant, the surrounding teeth are not affected, and future bone loss where the missing tooth is located will be avoided. There are some cases where a bridge may be the preferred option. Please discuss your situation with us so that you can know what may be best for your situation.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

For millions of Americans, wearing dentures is a way of life. Most denture wearers have noticed that their diet has changed because they have difficulty chewing raw vegetables, salad, and other food essential to a healthy diet. They also have noticed that with the entire palate covered with plastic, they can’t taste as well and their speech may have changed. Sore spots from the dentures moving and rubbing is also a common complaint.

You don’t have to put up with dentures anymore!

People who have dentures can use implants to anchor their teeth and remember what it was like to enjoy their food, eat better and improve health, and have the confidence of teeth that don’t come out at night. All-on-4 implants are a permanent set of teeth that look and feel like natural teeth. With the advances in implant dentistry, you are no longer limited to traditional dentures. Dr. Halls is proud to offer the innovative and technologically advanced All-on-4 dental implant technique. If you wear dentures or have had extractions recommended, the All-on-4 procedure is the optimal solution for a long-term, comfortable, and beautiful smile.

Implants Frequently Asked Questions
The All-on-4 dental implant technique utilizes four implants per arch, whereas traditional implants utilize anywhere from six to eight implants, or more, in each arch. In some cases where low bone quality is a concern, we may place more implants at no additional charge.
Published studies show a 98% success rate using All-on-4 dental implants.
The ideal candidate for the All-on-4 dental implant procedure is someone who is currently wearing dentures or who will need dentures in the future. Dental implant candidates should be in good health, so age may not be a factor if you are healthy.
Absolutely. The All-on-4 dental implant technique gives you permanent teeth that look, feel and function just like real teeth. No one will know you have implants unless you tell them.
As with any surgery, you will need time to heal. A temporary set of teeth will be placed on your implants. Once the healing process is complete, your permanent teeth will be placed at a follow up visit approximately six to eight months after surgery. This also gives you a chance to evaluate your new smile and make any suggestions you’d like to for the permanent teeth.
All-on-4 implants can be placed on just the upper or lower arch. Dr. Halls will evaluate your circumstance and if he feels you might eventually need replacement teeth on both the upper and lower arches, he might suggest performing the procedure on both arches at the same time. This provides better results while also saving time and money. Dr. Halls will work with you to determine what best meets your needs both health wise and cost wise.
Dental implants should be treated like your natural teeth, daily brushing and flossing is recommended. Our team of doctors and dental hygienists will review oral hygiene instructions with you and will recommend the most appropriate oral hygiene treatment plan to fit your needs.
All fees will be discussed prior to surgery during the consultation appointment. We give you up-front pricing so there will be no surprises in the future. While the treatment is a significant investment, the difference we’ve seen in people’s lives is amazing. This is one of the most rewarding and life-changing services we perform.
As with any surgery, you will need time to heal. A temporary set of teeth will be placed on your implants. Once the healing process is complete, your permanent teeth will be placed at a follow up visit approximately six to eight months after surgery. This also gives you a chance to evaluate your new smile and make any suggestions you’d like to for the permanent teeth.

"All services provided by a licensed AZ general dentist"